Posts Tagged ‘solution energy’

Solutions When You Feel Stuck – Ishtara

  Please click on the video above to watch it. In this video Holly Hawkins Marwood channels Ishtara. Solutions When You Feel Stuck! “Greetings Great Beings of Light. My name is Ishtara. Let’s get basic, simple and expansive all at the same time! You exist in a field of Solution Energy. In your human form

Numerology of 2021 Freedom

Numerology of 2021 – Freedom!

The numerology of 2021 is a 5. (You get the number 5 by adding up the digits of the year. 2+0+2+1=5!) This means that, globally, we are all swimming in this energy. Based on this, what can we expect for 2021? The Universal Year of 5 can be summarized with the idea of “Change based

Annual Holiday Extravaganza is HERE!

It’s Holiday Extravaganza time again! Once a year we offer our biggest discounts on our sessions and now is the time! The Details: December 1st – 24th, 2020 All our sessions are 40% off! Yes, all of them! Akashic Record Readings Universal Sphere® packages Channeled sessions with the High Council of Orion and/or Ishtara All

The Universal Sphere is Special

What Makes the Universal Sphere® Unique & Special?

What Makes the Universal Sphere® Unique and Special? The Universal Sphere® is an energy experience that is ideally suited for our time of Awakening and Ascension. It supports us in embodying our multidimensionality while in 3D. With the Universal Sphere®, the energies do not flow through the person doing it. Therefore, the thoughts & emotions

Ishtara – The Potential with the Universal Sphere®

  Ishtara – The Potential with the Universal Sphere® (Channeled transcript from the video above.) Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood Transcribed by Paul Marwood   Greetings, great beings of light. My name is Ishtara. Let’s talk today about the potential with the Universal Sphere®. For as you embody the energies of what’s contained within the

Creepy Feelings Be Gone!

Creepy Feelings Be Gone! We’ve all experienced this….walking into someone’s home, business, or even a public place and you just. feel. uncomfortable. You have no idea what it is, but you don’t want to stay so you look for a way to get out of there (politely) as soon as you can! You can feel

What I Learned From “Expecting the Highest & Best”

“Expect the Highest and Best”… were the words I heard as I channeled another message from Ishtara*. It rattled me a bit to hear this because I thought that, by and large, I did this in my life. I believed that I normally expected the Highest and Best. So why did she mention this to

What is Solution Energy….and why does it matter?

S O L U T I O N  E N E R G Y Have you heard about this Universal Truth? It is a game changer. In fact, it’s a LIFE CHANGER…literally. Solution Energy is a powerful, transforming, energy opening concept and flow that has changed my life…and countless others across the planet. Here is what it is in a nutshell: “THERE IS A SOLUTION TO EVERYTHING!” Now,

Living Beyond 3D!

This is the first of three channelings from Ishtara (channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood), where she gives some really new concepts in living beyond 3D while still remaining physical. Ishtara consistently provides incredible teachings that reframe our perception of our world in very loving and expanded ways, from a higher dimensional perspective. Click on the

What is the difference between the Universal Sphere® and the Soul Activations?

Want to know the difference between the Universal Sphere and the Activations?

Benefits of the Universal Sphere

11 Benefits of the Universal Sphere®

Connect with your Highest Potential through the Unified Field Manifest your life with greater Ease & Grace Live beyond the limitations of Duality Instill hope to live the life you dream about Feel empowered as you release patterns of feeling victimized Feel that you are a conscious co-creator of your life Shifts your perceptions &

End Communication Problems During Mercury Retrograde!

Dreaded Mercury Retrograde Here we are in another Mercury Retrograde! Many of us groan and dread these cycles, yet they are natural cycles within our solar system. There is a benefit to them! Are there challenges as well? Seemingly so, especially if your emails are being delivered or your computer crashes, but what if we


CHOOSE YOUR LIFE! ALL. OF. IT. On the 1st January, while in my Akashic Records, I asked the Masters, Teachers & Loved Ones what a good focus is for 2019. I asked what I could know that would support me in living and experiencing a life filled with Joy, Fun, Trust & Ease. I was

Energetic Embodiment for the New Year – Channeled Message from Ishtara

Well, here we are in the last days of 2018! It has been a big year in many ways. Lots of planetary shifts. Weather events, political clashes, old paradigms being shattered, evidence of the older models beginning to crumble and all that has happened in our individual realms as well. Now is time to take

Living Your Life In The Flow

LIVING YOUR LIFE IN THE FLOW Most of us wish we were “In the flow” all the time, our life is easy, what we desire just appears, and life is good to us. While this may sound like a pipe dream, IT IS POSSIBLE, at least for the greater part, and I will share with

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