Posts Tagged ‘human evolution’

Ishtara – You’ve Got Rocket Fuel In You!

  Please click on the video above to watch it. In this video Holly Hawkins Marwood channels Ishtara. You’ve Got Rocket Fuel In You! “Greetings Great Beings of Light. My name is Ishtara. Here’s another nugget for you with regard to your Awakening and your Ascension: No one’s chasing at your heels. Your Ascension isn’t

Ishtara- Making Profound Personal Change

  Please click on the video above to watch it. In this video Holly Hawkins Marwood channels Ishtara and talks about how to use your energy to make profound personal change. In this time of change and concern, you may be feeling stuck and wondering whats my role in this change? She explains a way

The Universal Sphere – Solutions in your life.

  In this video Paul Marwood interviews Holly Hawkins Marwood where she shares how the Universal Sphere® as being a major tool in her daily life. She talks about Solution energy and how this can help us bring new solutions to those problems we don’t have answers for. Having faith that a solution is always

Creepy Feelings Be Gone!

Creepy Feelings Be Gone! We’ve all experienced this….walking into someone’s home, business, or even a public place and you just. feel. uncomfortable. You have no idea what it is, but you don’t want to stay so you look for a way to get out of there (politely) as soon as you can! You can feel

Trust Expands

Welcome to today’s Monday Messages from the Akash, channeled by Holly for all of you. Trust Expands “Today, in this moment, you are invited to open your heart and awareness to the expansion of Trust. Invite the energy of Trust to flow into every aspect of your life: your mind, your feelings, your awareness, your

Just for Today

Just for Today

“Just for Today” is a quick daily practice I use to focus my moment, my day or even my week. It provides clarity, gives me momentum, supports me in where I am going and does it in a way that is easy. My “Just for Today” experiences happen in my Akashic Records so I know

What I Learned From “Expecting the Highest & Best”

“Expect the Highest and Best”… were the words I heard as I channeled another message from Ishtara*. It rattled me a bit to hear this because I thought that, by and large, I did this in my life. I believed that I normally expected the Highest and Best. So why did she mention this to

Pursue Your Dreams

You Don’t Need to Be Perfect to Pursue Your Dreams

Experience the profound reassurance of the Akashic Records through a reading. Please contact Holly for a 1:1 session which can be done via phone, Zoom or Skype, locally and internationally. Learn to access your own Akashic Records. Become a certified reader to assist others on their pathway. See our current class schedule for Akashic

Akashic Records Courses

Akashic Records Certification Courses

Inquiring Minds are Asking….. What Akashic Records Certification courses do you teach and how do I know which one to take? Wonder no more! I offer three separate Akashic Records Certification Courses. Each one is a powerful, inspiring dive into the Akashic Records. Please watch the video to find out about each one so you

Sitting with DISCOMFORT

As an active seeker of a better, more aligned, life what do you do when “IT” sneaks in. You know what I mean? “The” feelings The feelings that show up like doubt, insecurity, or the little voice that whispers nuggets quietly in your ear: “No you can’t” or “It is impossible” or “You can’t have

High Council of Orion New Year Message 2019

Sign up for High Council of Orion messages. We will also keep you informed of live Q & A events and specials.   NEW YEAR MESSAGE FROM THE HIGH COUNCIL OF ORION (2019) 1st January 2019 Channeled & Transcribed by Holly Hawkins Marwood THE POWER OF HOPE Music: Spiritual Sun opening. Used with permission. For

Energetic Embodiment for the New Year – Channeled Message from Ishtara

Well, here we are in the last days of 2018! It has been a big year in many ways. Lots of planetary shifts. Weather events, political clashes, old paradigms being shattered, evidence of the older models beginning to crumble and all that has happened in our individual realms as well. Now is time to take

11/11/11: Manifest at Light Speed

Today, 11/11/11 is a day to manifest…in fact, it is considered to be the most powerful day we have seen in a long time to manifest and shift the course of our lives. There is a ton of information out on the web today (and in the preceding days) all about the energies of today,

High Council of Orion Attunement for Embodied Ascension

  Do you experience mood swings, irritability, feeling tired or out of sorts when the portals are open, there is lunar or solar activity, or with an eclipse as we did in recent days?   Even if you don’t, we highly recommend you ask the High Council of Orion for an Attunement.   Here are

Living Your Life In The Flow

LIVING YOUR LIFE IN THE FLOW Most of us wish we were “In the flow” all the time, our life is easy, what we desire just appears, and life is good to us. While this may sound like a pipe dream, IT IS POSSIBLE, at least for the greater part, and I will share with

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