Posts Tagged ‘heart’

High Council of Orion – THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD Pt2- 17th Jan 2014

Please use the audio player above to play or download the audio version of this channeling. Sign up for High Council of Orion weekly messages. We will also keep you informed of live Q & A events and specials. YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD Pt2 CHANNELED ASCENSION MESSAGE FROM THE HIGH COUNCIL OF

High Council of Orion – Channeled Message – 22nd Oct 2013

Please use the audio player above to play or download the audio version of this channeling. Sign up for High Council of Orion weekly messages. We will also keep you informed of live Q & A events and specials. CHANNELED ASCENSION MESSAGE FROM THE HIGH COUNCIL OF ORION 22nd October 2013     Channeled by

Channeled Message — High Council of Orion — 8th Feb 2013

Please use the audio player above to play the audio version of this channeling. Sign up for High Council of Orion messages. We will keep you informed of live Q & A events and specials. CHANNELED ASCENSION MESSAGE FROM            THE HIGH COUNCIL OF ORION                      8th February 2013.           Channeled by Holly

Channeled Message – High Council of Orion — 16th Dec 2012

Please use the audio player above to play the audio version of this channeling. Sign up for you daily High Council of Orion message. We will keep you informed of live Q & A events and specials.     These are channeled messages leading up to 21st of December 2012 that we were asked to

Channeled Message – Ascension Countdown — Day 30

Please use the audio player above to play the audio version of this channeling. The first of 30 channeled messages leading up to 21st of December 2012 that we were asked to post daily by the High Council of Orion.          CHANNELED ASCENSION MESSAGE FROM                     THE HIGH COUNCIL OF ORION                             COUNTDOWN DAY 30                                            NOVEMBER 21st 2012.


We all have our own version of the truth that is true to us. However, if you want to move forward in your true Authenticity, I guide you to “LOOK WITHIN” to your HEART to find the “REAL TRUTH”.   I already know the truth OK, so some might say, “But I already know the

Testimonial Universal Sphere™ – Opening my Heart-Space is a doorway to Source

As the session got going, I saw a vision of the top part of my head opened up and a spinning wheel of recoding of the DNA…then, an ankh drawn on my forehead! Next, I saw a rod through my whole body with these spinning fins/paddles going round and round and at some point, I

The Universal Sphere™ – Helping you to live a Heart-Centered life

What is the primary focus in all that we do in our lives? To give love, receive love and be happy. If you take a moment to review the main things that you have done in your life, at least one of the three above is most likely the driving force behind those choices and

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