Posts Tagged ‘Healing’

What I Learned From “Expecting the Highest & Best”

“Expect the Highest and Best”… were the words I heard as I channeled another message from Ishtara*. It rattled me a bit to hear this because I thought that, by and large, I did this in my life. I believed that I normally expected the Highest and Best. So why did she mention this to

End Communication Problems During Mercury Retrograde!

Dreaded Mercury Retrograde Here we are in another Mercury Retrograde! Many of us groan and dread these cycles, yet they are natural cycles within our solar system. There is a benefit to them! Are there challenges as well? Seemingly so, especially if your emails are being delivered or your computer crashes, but what if we

Living Your Life In The Flow

LIVING YOUR LIFE IN THE FLOW Most of us wish we were “In the flow” all the time, our life is easy, what we desire just appears, and life is good to us. While this may sound like a pipe dream, IT IS POSSIBLE, at least for the greater part, and I will share with

5 Postiive Side Effects of Akashic Records

5 [Positive] Side Effects of Reading Your Akashic Records

Here’s the low down. Direct to the point. Sure, you can come for an Akashic Record Reading. You can even do numerous readings. Every reading you will be “better”, more aligned, more “on track”, less encumbered. You may like this and feel it is the best thing ever for you…having someone else to help you

Google for Your Soul: the Akashic Records

Let’s talk search engines and how much we love them, right? Before we dive in deeply, let’s all get on the same page of exactly what a search engine is. According to Wikipedia a search engine “is a … system that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web.” * You are

Forget Resolutions! Do This Instead!

Are you OVER them too? I bet most of you are on the same page I am about New Year’s Resolutions….you are feeling “over” them! We all know it is easy to make a new resolve on the first day or first month of the year, then lose focus and not follow through. This is

Energy Tools – Why you can’t live and transform without them

ENERGY TOOLS Funny topic, right? Energy tools? What the heck… might even say that the term is an oxymoron. Trust me, you will love this… Let’s dissect this term: Energy Tools. Let’s begin by looking at half of this ….Tools…Let’s see the benefit of tools in our lives. Tools help us do things we cannot

Life Acceleration in the Akashic Records

Life Acceleration? Really? Who needs that? Funny topic, is it not, since LIFE seems to keep going faster and faster and it feels harder and harder to keep up with it all. Right? Finding the Sweet Spot on the Other Side What I am referring to is not the break-neck pace at which you are

How to Smooth Out Life’s Challenges

Do you ever feel the onslaught of everyone trying to get your attention these days? There is so much out there that is super helpful in supporting us on our path, wouldn’t you agree? And with our access to information being deep and wide it is often hard to know what is best to choose


We have all had these moments in the Akashic Records: you know what you want to ask about, yet you have a hard time getting to the “right” question. “What is it that I really want to know about?” Have you experienced this? Have you experienced this with anyone else you may have done a

Akashic Records & the Science of “Forced Vibration”

Everything is Energy We are energetic beings. The Akashic Records are an energetic field. Everything is energy. (You have heard this before, right?) And energy is in constant motion creating vibrations. Therefore, we are vibrational beings! When you explore, discover and heal in your Akashic Records what you are doing is shifting your foundational energy,

High Council of Orion – Put Your Luggage Down! – 30th June 2015

Sign up for High Council of Orion weekly messages. We will also keep you informed of live Q & A events and specials. PUT YOUR LUGGAGE DOWN!   CHANNELED ASCENSION MESSAGE FROM THE HIGH COUNCIL OF ORION 30th June 2015 Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood Transcribed by Holly Hawkins Marwood “Greetings Dear Ones. We are

Three Secrets to Unlocking Ease in the Akashic Records

You took the Beginning Akashic Records course. You connected. You overcame your fears. You probably even said to yourself “YES! I got this…I can do this!” You left the class feeling uplifted, confident and excited to go forth and read the Akashic Records. You might have even thought you were going to save the world

Ishtara – The Benefits of the Universal Sphere – 26th March 2015

Sign up for High Council of Orion weekly messages. We will also keep you informed of live Q & A events and specials. THE BENEFITS OF THE UNIVERSAL SPHERE CHANNELED TEACHING FROM ISHTARA 26th MARCH 2015 Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood Transcribed by Paul Marwood   [Ishtara] – “Welcome my name is Ishtara, and how

High Council of Orion – Smiling – 25th March 2015

Sign up for High Council of Orion weekly messages. We will also keep you informed of live Q & A events and specials. SMILING CHANNELED ASCENSION MESSAGE FROM THE HIGH COUNCIL OF ORION 25th MARCH 2015 Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood Transcribed by Holly Hawkins Marwood   “Greetings Dear Ones. We are the High Council

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