Posts Tagged ‘Healing Pets’

Opening Your Pet's Akashic Records

Opening Your Pet’s Akashic Records

I am often asked about opening the Akashic Records of pets ???? ????. I love this question because it reflects how much we want to create a better relationship and understanding of our furry, fuzzy, scaly and feathery friends. Of course, we want to be able to communicate with them so we can get to

National Pet Week® & the Akashic Records

It’s National Pet Week® here in the United States and this week is “dedicated to celebrating America’s more than 200 million pets that enrich our lives each and every day and encourage responsible pet care every day of the year. Whether companion, comedian, confidant or protector, our pets are always there for us and don’t

6 “Real Life” Reasons You Want to Learn the Universal Sphere®

Six “Real Life” Reasons to Learn the Universal Sphere® REASON #1: MANIFEST AMAZING RELATIONSHIPS Use the Universal Sphere to shift the energies in your current relationship, support you in manifesting the relationship of your dreams, or resolve relationships that have run their course. REASON #2: BALANCE YOUR CHAKRAS Unbalanced chakras = unbalanced living. Balanced chakras

Dr. Doolittle? Yes, You Can Speak to the Animals!

Learn to Communicate with Your Furry & Feathered Loves Ones Do your “kids” have fur, feathers or scales? Do they walk on four feet instead of two? Is your “significant other” is your dog, cat, hamster, parakeet, iguana or even hermit crab? You can easily communicate with them in truly meaningful ways! Get Answers to

Is Fido Feisty? Is Mittens Miffed?

                        Using the Universal Sphere for your Beloved Pets Not Feeling Well? Our pets are like our children. We love them, nurture them, and happily receive their unconditional love. So, when they are not feeling well, acting out, or we see a shift in their behavior we can become concerned about what is going on with

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