Posts Tagged ‘energy’

Annual Holiday Extravaganza is HERE!

It’s Holiday Extravaganza time again! Once a year we offer our biggest discounts on our sessions and now is the time! The Details: December 1st – 24th, 2020 All our sessions are 40% off! Yes, all of them! Akashic Record Readings Universal Sphere® packages Channeled sessions with the High Council of Orion and/or Ishtara All

Ishtara- Making Profound Personal Change

  Please click on the video above to watch it. In this video Holly Hawkins Marwood channels Ishtara and talks about how to use your energy to make profound personal change. In this time of change and concern, you may be feeling stuck and wondering whats my role in this change? She explains a way

Ishtara – The Potential with the Universal Sphere®

  Ishtara – The Potential with the Universal Sphere® (Channeled transcript from the video above.) Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood Transcribed by Paul Marwood   Greetings, great beings of light. My name is Ishtara. Let’s talk today about the potential with the Universal Sphere®. For as you embody the energies of what’s contained within the

The Universal Sphere – Solutions in your life.

  In this video Paul Marwood interviews Holly Hawkins Marwood where she shares how the Universal Sphere® as being a major tool in her daily life. She talks about Solution energy and how this can help us bring new solutions to those problems we don’t have answers for. Having faith that a solution is always

Ishtara- What a Glorious Moment This Is!

  In this video Holly Hawkins Marwood channels Ishtara. Ishtara talks about how to change your perception and energy of those moments when you are stuck in traffic, having a challenging time, etc. This helps your mental health, physical health, and changes how you perceive your day. Click on the link below to learn more

Expansion as a Transformation Tool

Expansion as a Transformation Tool

Welcome to today’s Monday Messages from the Akash, channeled by Holly for all of you. Expansion as a Transformation Tool “Look for, consider, open to what is expansive in every moment, thought, choice, decision and experience. What choice feels expansive? What energy feels expansive? What idea feels expansive? Expanding awareness means you are growing, opening

Trust Expands

Welcome to today’s Monday Messages from the Akash, channeled by Holly for all of you. Trust Expands “Today, in this moment, you are invited to open your heart and awareness to the expansion of Trust. Invite the energy of Trust to flow into every aspect of your life: your mind, your feelings, your awareness, your

Just for Today

Just for Today

“Just for Today” is a quick daily practice I use to focus my moment, my day or even my week. It provides clarity, gives me momentum, supports me in where I am going and does it in a way that is easy. My “Just for Today” experiences happen in my Akashic Records so I know

Pursue Your Dreams

You Don’t Need to Be Perfect to Pursue Your Dreams

Experience the profound reassurance of the Akashic Records through a reading. Please contact Holly for a 1:1 session which can be done via phone, Zoom or Skype, locally and internationally. Learn to access your own Akashic Records. Become a certified reader to assist others on their pathway. See our current class schedule for Akashic

What is Solution Energy….and why does it matter?

S O L U T I O N  E N E R G Y Have you heard about this Universal Truth? It is a game changer. In fact, it’s a LIFE CHANGER…literally. Solution Energy is a powerful, transforming, energy opening concept and flow that has changed my life…and countless others across the planet. Here is what it is in a nutshell: “THERE IS A SOLUTION TO EVERYTHING!” Now,

End Communication Problems During Mercury Retrograde!

Dreaded Mercury Retrograde Here we are in another Mercury Retrograde! Many of us groan and dread these cycles, yet they are natural cycles within our solar system. There is a benefit to them! Are there challenges as well? Seemingly so, especially if your emails are being delivered or your computer crashes, but what if we

Self-Love in the Akashic Records

Embody Self-Love in the Akashic Records

Let’s continue the conversation about cultivating self-love. If you missed my first blog about self-love you can connect with it here, however, please continue reading and jump back to it if you wish. You don’t need to have that information first! IT IS ELUSIVE The mere idea of self-love has been elusive for most of

Winter Solstice, New Year’s and the Akashic Records

In just a couple of days it is the Winter Solstice, which means that 2019 is, literally, just around the corner. These milestones in how we mark time are filled with powerful energetic manifesting potential when we choose to align with the energies and ride the wave into the next phase. Here’s my prescription for

Energetic Embodiment for the New Year – Channeled Message from Ishtara

Well, here we are in the last days of 2018! It has been a big year in many ways. Lots of planetary shifts. Weather events, political clashes, old paradigms being shattered, evidence of the older models beginning to crumble and all that has happened in our individual realms as well. Now is time to take

5 Postiive Side Effects of Akashic Records

5 [Positive] Side Effects of Reading Your Akashic Records

Here’s the low down. Direct to the point. Sure, you can come for an Akashic Record Reading. You can even do numerous readings. Every reading you will be “better”, more aligned, more “on track”, less encumbered. You may like this and feel it is the best thing ever for you…having someone else to help you

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