Posts Tagged ‘Archangels’

High Council of Orion – TALK TO YOUR TEAM! – 29th OCTOBER 2014

Sign up for High Council of Orion weekly messages. We will also keep you informed of live Q & A events and specials. TALK TO YOUR TEAM! CHANNELED ASCENSION MESSAGE FROM THE HIGH COUNCIL OF ORION 29th OCTOBER 2014 Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood Transcribed by Holly Hawkins Marwood Romanian Translation, thank you Monica. “Greetings

Channeled Message – Archangel Michael – Raphael – October 2012

Please use the audio player above to listen to this channeling.   Through Holly Marwood Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael share with us beautiful words. Archangel Michael guides us to tuning in to the great being of light that we are, tuning into our essence, the joy and our being. These inspirational words guide the

Channeled Message – Archangel Michael – August 2012

In a public channeling by Holly Hawkins Marwood, Archangel Michael talks about some of what the angels are here to assist us with. Striving to be connected to source. Allowing connection to the Universal mind and asking for support with this.    

Channeled Message – Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael – September 2012

Channeling by Holly Hawkins Marwood. This channeled message is from Archangel Michael and Archangel Raguel. It is a public channeling at a 444 Toning event in San Diego September 2012. This Channeling teaches us about the future, the more that is out there, a greater potentiality of love and joy. A brief question and answer

Archangel Raphael

Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood February 2012 Recently, I was called to channel and sat down to tune in and feel the presence of those who wished to speak. I had my usual guides show up and I also felt the presence of another being who had not yet identified him/herself. As soon as I

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