Posts Tagged ‘Akashic Records Readings’

My Personal Journey Through Sadness

My Personal Journey Through Sadness I have been experiencing profound sadness recently. It has been a sadness I have not experienced before because it has felt so deep and unrelenting, yet I could not attach it to anything, any experience, or any one. Of course, it never would be about anything I was looking to

What Do Businesses, Houses and Animals Have in Common?

Did you know that your business, home and pets have something in common? They all have Akashic Records! “What!?!?”, you say. “How can my business, home or pet have an Akashic Record?” Yes, they all do and you can access the Akashic Records of them to find out more! Akashic Records of Your Business You

“Of Course!” – Your Pathway to Allowing

(Full credit for the “Of Course” concept goes to Linda Howe, my teacher and mentor in my growth as an Advanced Akashic Records Practitioner) “Of Course!” Don’t you feel great with these two words? If you ask someone a favor and their reply is “Of Course!” you feel good, acknowledged and validated. There is an

Should I Stay? or Should I Go?

Aside from being lyrics to the 80’s hit song, these are NOT the best kinds of questions to ask in your Akashic Record Reading! Why? Because you are asking a Yes or No question! Imagine you are seeking direction for a very important aspect of your life and you bring it to your Akashic Record

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