Sometimes All You Need is Reassurance


We Really Want Reassurance

As a busy Akashic Record Reader working with many clients each week one of the things I see often is that often what we are truly seeking in the reading is reassurance. Not just the quick pat on the back kind of reassurance, but the deeply felt reassurance that we are on the right track, that all is well in our world, that we have a good point of view and that we are truly responding to the direction and guidance of our Innermost Self.

You Are Already Connected

Here’s the reality: you are already connected, you get intuitive “hits”, you are aware, you are smart and driven by doing the best you can each and every moment of your life, no matter what it looks like from the outside!

We Think We Need That

Often we go into the Akashic Records hoping for BIG, surprising, out of the blue, and sometimes even shocking information. We think we need that. We might think or feel that to make a significant change we need to have significantly different information from what we already know.

You Might Have an Inkling

And…sometimes it is like that: big, bold, clear, “in your face” kind of information. And, more often than not, the guidance received is what you might already have an inkling about. It is likely that the “right” direction, motivation, or impulse in your life is there in your gut already and when you have that confirmed in your Akashic Records, through the information brought forward from your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones, it allows you to more deeply trust your inner guidance. You begin to allow your Inner Voice to speak a little louder or you choose to listen to it more closely, which allows you to move more easily through your life.

You Are Not Missing Something

When you receive this deep level of reassurance or confirmation in your reading, you begin to relax into life more, trust yourself and feel that everything is “on track” and “on time”. You release the feeling that you might be “missing something” that can make all the difference in your life. And when that fear is not driving you, you can more deeply enjoy the process and flow in your experience of life.

Allow Reassurance to Permeate YOU!

Next time you are in your Akashic Records (whether in a reading being given by someone else or with you in your own records) allow the subtlety of the energy of reassurance to permeate YOU! Feel connected to your inner wisdom and guidance. Feel the rightness of you in the moment and allow your actions to be fueled by this knowingness. Trust that voice in your gut or in your head. You know a lot! Then trust yourself to align your actions to your Inner Wisdom. Life becomes better and better from there!

If you would like to experience the profound reassurance experienced in the Akashic Records through a reading. Please contact Holly for a session which can be done via phone or Skype, locally and internationally.

Scroll down to see the next in person Akashic Records Training with Holly in Northern California.

Grass Valley, California June 25th – 26th, 2016
Click here for more Info

Holly 2013Holly Hawkins Marwood is an Advanced Akashic Records Instructor and Reader who is passionate about sharing the gifts and benefits of the Akashic Records with the world. She believes that everyone should know how to use this incomparable resource to help them manifest the life of their dreams. You can read more about the classes she teaches and the sessions that she and her husband, Paul Marwood, offer through their business, Soul Genesis. They work internationally and locally and offer sessions at a distance as well as in person.

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