
Soul ActivationsSoul ActivationsSoul activations message


111® Activation

Catapulting you forward in you life path in a natural and graceful way…

Universal Sphere Symbol

Universal Sphere®

An unlimited energetic storehouse to assist you in resolving almost any problem you may have…

TOLCA Symbol

Tree of Life Crystalline Activation

Accelerating your ability to manifest whatever you desire…


Golden Light Activation

Being Imbued with Golden Christ Consciousness Energy…

Audio Recording of Information about the Universal Sphere®, the Activations, and the Akashic Records.


Move beyond stress and struggle to live your true potential
with ease!

All Soul Activations can be facilitated in person and at any distance with equal effectiveness. Soul Activations work within what scientists call “the Field” and transcend our perceived limitations of distance.

Activate your soul’s highest potential in everyday Life.

Do you want to move forward by making positive changes in you life? Too often these changes, even when positive, can be overwhelming due to ingrained patterns of resistance and limiting thinking and perspectives. This is what keeps most people stuck and unable to move forward.

Soul Activations work at the soul level resulting in energetic transformation by expanding your capacity to hold a greater degree of light and higher vibration. Soul Activations clear the energetic field for a deeper connection to your heart and who you are in essence, making it easier to express yourself authentically in life. Soul Activations also attune your innate brilliance allowing higher-level intelligence to be available to guide you in simple yet profound ways.

After Soul Activations you gain a fresh perspective and the ability to make choices in alignment with you, delivering a deeper level of fulfillment and a healthier, happier life…


111® Activation


111 Activation Message
Listen to what the High Council of Orion have to say about the Activations…

How can the 111® Activation help me?

The 111® Activation is a transformational process designed to alleviate stress and struggle allowing you to get in the flow and enjoy life. It can also help you to integrate ongoing personal and life changes with greater ease.

Here are just some of the resulting benefits:

  • Clarity and intuition in making choices
  • Enhanced ability to make positive changes with ease
  • Ease in being true to yourself and living authentically
  • Ease in releasing old patterns and behaviors that no longer serve you
  • Manifesting your dreams and desires faster and more easily
  • Mental, emotional and physical health improvement and healing

Transform Your Life

Are you facing difficult challenges or changes in your job, finances, relationships, and/or health? Great change is happening all around creating a sense of overwhelm and difficulty in finding balance. The 111® Activation enhances your ability to awaken to the possibilities for living with greater ease and fulfillment.

Transform Your Business

Are you are experiencing challenges with your business or financial affairs? The 111® Activation can potentially help you and your business function at a higher level with higher consciousness and greater success. Unleash greater potential among your staff individually and collectively as a team.
The 111 Activation can be facilitated in person as well as at a distance with
equal effectiveness.



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Universal Sphere®


Universal Sphere Message

How Can It Help Me?

The Universal Sphere allows you to resonate with the Perfect Universal Resonance, which reawakens you on all levels to your inherent perfection, which can result in:

  • Greater understanding of who you are
  • Healing on the levels of mind, body, & spirit
  • Living a more heart-centered life
  • A greater experience of peace that comes from a greater connection to Source

Although each session is approximately 45 minutes, clients have reported lasting benefits long after the session is over such as:

  • Inner Calm
  • Balanced Chakras and Energy
  • Physical and Energetic Healing
  • Emotional Healing and Mental Clarity
  • Spiritual and Self-evolution and Healing
  • Reduced Fear
  • Activated Energy
  • Heightened experience of the 5 senses

The Universal Sphere can benefit humans, animals, plants, homes, and businesses. It can be facilitated in person as well as at a distance with equal effectiveness.
Spanish Translation


The Universal Sphere for Your Business

In today’s world we see so many businesses working harder to be successful due to our current economic conditions, and many have been failing using old models for successful business development.
The Universal Sphere can be used to enhance your business by infusing the Perfect Universal Resonance into the concept of your business itself or into the physical location out of which your business operates. Bringing in the energetic vibration of perfection, allowing all that exists within your business to be infused with this resonance can potentially manifest greater success on all levels.


Ishtara who taught us the Universal Sphere®
shares some additional information about the use of it.


Book your Universal Sphere® session



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Tree of Life Crystalline Activation


TOLCA Message

How can the Tree of Life Crystalline Activation help me?

As you program your Tree of Life crystalline structure, the crystal then sends that “intention” out to the planet and the Universe calling in and receiving new information and understanding filling in the “missing” pieces necessary for greater ease in manifesting or realizing your dreams and desires. You can choose to program your crystalline structure with goals in financial wealth, spiritual awareness, finding your soul mate and more.

“The World is your Oyster with this Activation” – The High Council of Orion.

The Tree of Life Crystalline Activation will always work in the highest possibilities, evolution and integrity of your Soul and all involved. It can be facilitated in person as well as at a distance with equal effectiveness.



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Golden Light Activation


GLA Message

What is the Golden Light Activation?

“…what this activation is doing is bringing in golden Christed energy. It’s bringing it in so that each individual’s body and energy field is imbued with the golden light of the Christ. We say “of the Christ”, not to be confused with the human who walked the planet who carried the Christed energy named Jesus. For it is energy that he carried, as well as many of the Masters. We want to make the distinction of the energy aside from the human who, in a sense, popularized its embodiment.”

“This experience.. is profound and deep” – Melchizedek.

How can the Golden Light Activation help me?

To assist you to embody in your life a greater level of:

  • Unconditional Love
  • Non-Judgement
  • A higher level of consciousness


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What is the difference between the Universal Sphere® and the Soul Activations?



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