Ishtara – You’ve Got Rocket Fuel In You!

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In this video Holly Hawkins Marwood channels Ishtara.

You’ve Got Rocket Fuel In You!

“Greetings Great Beings of Light. My name is Ishtara.

Here’s another nugget for you with regard to your Awakening and your Ascension:

No one’s chasing at your heels. Your Ascension isn’t nipping at your ankles. Your Awakening is not a race to the finish line. Give yourself some time to slow down. Give yourself some time to relax. Give yourself permission to do nothing.

It’s not a race. Let go of the pressure.

If you saw the progress that you’re making in this life time through your conscious and intentional engagement with your Awakening, relative to other lifetimes, you’ve got rocket fuel in you in this lifetime. It’s Rocket Fuel! It’s okay. There’s no race.

Be able to acknowledge to yourself, at times, that the body needs to slow down or the mind needs to check out for a little while or the pause button needs to be pushed every now and then.

Even if you spent a month doing “nothing” (for your Awakening) you’re going to be fine! You’ll be fine!

There’s a sense of urgency that comes with this Awakening, the consciousness around Ascension, and this awareness that “Oh, I could really mess this up so I have to be on my game all the time.”

It’s not true. It’s a perpetration that you could “lose” it. It’s a perpetration that it’s fragile.

You’re consciously and intentionally engaged in your Awakening. You don’t go back when you cross that threshold. Give yourself time to relax, to enjoy and to celebrate who you are…who you’re becoming.

If you’re not sure who you’re becoming take a walk down memory lane to a year ago, 5 years ago, or 20 years ago. You’re not the same person! You are very successful. Bask in that glory!
And as you do you relax and your energy field begins to shine again expansively.

Trust your process. Trust your greatness. And more than anything else, Trust yourself as a Great Being of Light.

I’m with you now and always. My name is Ishtara.”
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This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in it’s original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the Author and a link to clearly displayed as shown below.
Channel: Holly Hawkins Marwood
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