Ishtara – Personal Positive Movement in Times of Change

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In this video Holly Hawkins Marwood channels Ishtara.

Personal Positive Movement in Times of Change

“Greetings, Great Beings of Light. My name is Ishtara.

Today is the day to change your mind, to change your attention and to shift your focus. Today, and every day, is the day, the moment, to drop deeply into the energy of choice as to how you wish to experience life in the moment and moving forward.

Currently, the global environment is being deconstructed on many levels making it challenging to count on anything “out there” for a solid view of life, what to expect, and guidance on how to move forward. When in a deconstruction phase of any kind it is best not to have great expectations of what it was (you can’t go back once the destruction has begun), and you are also not where you will be after reconstruction! You are in an in-between moment. You are there now on a global scale. You are there now on a personal scale.

Since this is happening world-wide it is likely you feel this same energy very personally in your own life.

The question here is not to state the obvious discomfort, but the profound question for those on a path of their Awakening is “What do I do now? What can I do in this in-between moment that makes a difference to myself, my community, and the planet?”

Here are a few positive, transcendent action steps to take in light of the time you find yourself in:

  1. TRUST: As much as possible, breathe into your core. Center yourself in your heart and solar plexus and breathe in the energy of TRUST. Open up to the vibratory field of TRUSTING that all is unfolding for the good of all, even if it is not understood at this time.

    As you invoke and activate a strong field of TRUST you will begin to feel calmer and more trusting in the moment you find yourself in in your own life. You will emanate a field of trust that others will be able to entrain to. Your words and perceptions will be imbued with the energy of trust.

    Your outer world does not need to look a particular way in order for you to activate a strong energy field of TRUST. Trust can come first instead of trust following a comfortable set of circumstances. It takes great faith in your inner grit to TRUST life even when it looks different and unpredictable.

  2. TRUST YOUR CORE: At your core you are Light, you are LOVE and you are a Field of Pure Potentiality! In these changing times can you TRUST your inner light to have brought you to the right time and place for you to learn the most and contribute the most?

    Once again, you may not know exactly what you are to be TRUSTING on the outside, so the greatest place you can shift your focus to is the inside. What can you TRUST in your inner world? Can you TRUST that you have what it takes to be in a new world and a new environment? Can you TRUST that your inner alignment will take you into the correct experiences and responses even if they are unclear in the moment?

    What you are doing here is shifting your focus from the outer world (which is very unstable and unpredictable now) to the inner world (which is the place that you can receive the authentic communication from your Soul & your Truth).

  3. FOCUS ON YOUR NEXT BEST STEP: As you cultivate a new relationship with the energy of TRUST, magnifying it in your life, and as you learn to tap into and TRUST your core wisdom and guidance you can then you are in the ideal place to ask for your “next best step”.

    You will be learning to create your new relationship with an ever-changing world by, literally, taking it one step at a time! The destination may not be clear, yet if every step you take in your life is aligned with your Light & your Inner Wisdom, then you will always be headed in the right direction for you.

    Every day ask for what your next step is or what you can do today? Listen in, trust what you are receiving, then follow through with the guidance. Being in positive, aligned action cultivates an energy of empowerment and confidence. As you feel more confident and more empowered your TRUST will grow!

Practice these easy steps every day…multiple times a day….to keep your inner focus strong and aligned with your Truth! This is how you can successfully navigate these new and different energies you are in at this moment.

I am with you now and always. My name is Ishtara.”

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This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in it’s original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the Author and a link to clearly displayed as shown below.
Channel: Holly Hawkins Marwood
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