Opening Earth’s Akashic Records

Celebrating Gaia on Earth Day? Did you know that Gaia, our incredible planet, has an Akashic Record….and you can open her records?

Yes, she does!  And, yes, you can!

With today being Earth Day there is greater focus on this planet we live on, what is going on with her, if we are supporting her enough, how our human activities may be threatening the vibrancy of her health, what is changing about the quality of all life on this planet, what is happening to our weather, and so much more.

If you are someone who is interested in understanding our beautiful planet at a deeper level, and exploring what you can do to personally support Gaia, one great pathway to going deep is by opening the Akashic Records of Planet Earth!

There are so many ways to open the Akashic Records!  Use the method you know. (If you are curious about this and are not sure how to open the Akashic Records I recommend the book “How to Read the Akashic Records” by Linda Howe, which is available at many bookstores or on Amazon as both a paper book as well as an e-book! I also teach in-person courses in working in the Akashic Records for yourself and others…see footnote in this blog for more info)

Once you are in Earth’s Akashic Records you can begin asking any questions you are curious about. What are you curious about with regard to our planet, her health, and the truth of what is said about the future?

You can inquire about events you are aware of going on in and around the planet. Ask for ways you can personally support the planet.

You could ask if she has the same point of view about her health that the people on the planet do. You could get very specific and ask about the massive concern around plastics and micro-plastics, global warming, recycling (does it really make a difference or how and what more can we do?) and any of the other environmental “hot topics” that abound these days.

Learn to access your own Akashic Records. Become a certified reader to assist others on their pathway. See our current class schedule for Akashic Records Certification courses. Akashic Certification Courses

Experience the profound reassurance experienced in the Akashic Records through a reading. Please contact Holly for a 1:1 session which can be done via phone or Skype, locally and internationally.

Learn to access your own Akashic Records in a personally guided session. Sound great? Please contact me. I would love to share with you what is possible in this dimension!

Holly Hawkins Marwood is an International Akashic Records Instructor and Reader who is passionate about sharing the gifts and benefits of the Akashic Records with the world. She believes that everyone should know how to use this incomparable resource to help them manifest the life of their dreams. You can read more about the classes she teaches and the sessions that she and her husband, Paul Marwood, offer through their business, Soul Genesis. They work internationally and locally and offer sessions at a distance as well as in person.

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