Blog Posts in the ‘Personal Transformation’ Category

Expect Easy

Expect Easy

Implement the energy of “Expect Easy” and see the changes that will ripple through your life! Remember the Staples ad from years ago with the big red button and someone saying “That was easy!”? It was a powerful ad campaign and many people used that phrase in plenty of areas in our lives, aside from

Just for Today

Just for Today

“Just for Today” is a quick daily practice I use to focus my moment, my day or even my week. It provides clarity, gives me momentum, supports me in where I am going and does it in a way that is easy. My “Just for Today” experiences happen in my Akashic Records so I know


Use this simple and effective way of transforming and transmuting emotions that are getting in your way…using the Akashic Records. Open Your Records & Connect with your Spirit Team in the Akashic Records. (aka your Masters, Teachers & Loved ones or MTLOs). Tap into the feelings that are feeling like too much. You know the

No Mud No Lotus

No Mud, No Lotus

“No Mud, No Lotus” This saying, attributed to Thich Nhat Hahn, Buddhist spiritual leader, has been well quoted. I’ve heard some people really hate this saying! They’ve said it means that we have to accept yucky stuff in our lives, on all the levels, in order to get to the good stuff! They say it

What is the difference between the Universal Sphere® and the Soul Activations?

Want to know the difference between the Universal Sphere and the Activations?

Lion’s Gate Portal – the High Council of Orion

A powerful ascension message and experience from the High Council of Orion.

End Communication Problems During Mercury Retrograde!

Dreaded Mercury Retrograde Here we are in another Mercury Retrograde! Many of us groan and dread these cycles, yet they are natural cycles within our solar system. There is a benefit to them! Are there challenges as well? Seemingly so, especially if your emails are being delivered or your computer crashes, but what if we



SELF LOVE is the cornerstone of all the love you have the potential to experience. Without self-love, no other love is truly possible. You and your energies are the center-point of your vibrational field that calls in all your experiences. So, with the energy of Love very “top of mind” these days, with Valentine’s Day

Sitting with DISCOMFORT

As an active seeker of a better, more aligned, life what do you do when “IT” sneaks in. You know what I mean? “The” feelings The feelings that show up like doubt, insecurity, or the little voice that whispers nuggets quietly in your ear: “No you can’t” or “It is impossible” or “You can’t have


CHOOSE YOUR LIFE! ALL. OF. IT. On the 1st January, while in my Akashic Records, I asked the Masters, Teachers & Loved Ones what a good focus is for 2019. I asked what I could know that would support me in living and experiencing a life filled with Joy, Fun, Trust & Ease. I was

Winter Solstice, New Year’s and the Akashic Records

In just a couple of days it is the Winter Solstice, which means that 2019 is, literally, just around the corner. These milestones in how we mark time are filled with powerful energetic manifesting potential when we choose to align with the energies and ride the wave into the next phase. Here’s my prescription for

11/11/11: Manifest at Light Speed

Today, 11/11/11 is a day to manifest…in fact, it is considered to be the most powerful day we have seen in a long time to manifest and shift the course of our lives. There is a ton of information out on the web today (and in the preceding days) all about the energies of today,

Flash Sale

  FLASH SALE       Yes today is the last day of our Flash Sale. Jump in quick before these incredible savings disappear at midnight tonight”   Take advantage of our Flash Sale before it ends tomorrow August 22nd.   Akashic Records Courses in Edmonton: Register for one or more of the Akashic Records

Energy Tools – Why you can’t live and transform without them

ENERGY TOOLS Funny topic, right? Energy tools? What the heck… might even say that the term is an oxymoron. Trust me, you will love this… Let’s dissect this term: Energy Tools. Let’s begin by looking at half of this ….Tools…Let’s see the benefit of tools in our lives. Tools help us do things we cannot

6 “Real Life” Reasons You Want to Learn the Universal Sphere®

Six “Real Life” Reasons to Learn the Universal Sphere® REASON #1: MANIFEST AMAZING RELATIONSHIPS Use the Universal Sphere to shift the energies in your current relationship, support you in manifesting the relationship of your dreams, or resolve relationships that have run their course. REASON #2: BALANCE YOUR CHAKRAS Unbalanced chakras = unbalanced living. Balanced chakras

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