I love my Akashic Records journals!
If you have taken an Akashic Records training class with me you will know that I am an avid writer while in my records and have filled many Akashic Records journals over the years. They are my own gold mine that represent my journey in life and also in my relationship to the Akashic Records. I receive so much Akashic Wisdom and guidance while in my records…and it is all documented in my journals for me to return to at any time…and I do.
So I Can Remember All of It
Sometimes I receive a really great “nugget” I want to remember exactly what came through in the moment, not what my mind has chosen to remember! (Experience has shown me that my mind can distort the information that I have received) At times I go in my records for information to become a better teacher, support my students and clients at a higher level, or improve the ways in which I can help people on the planet to connect with the Truth of who they are in a new way so that their experience of life is better. It is good to have a record of all the great information I am given because it is a lot to remember.
Before I Even Ask
Over the years, as my relationship with my Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones has deepened, they give me information prior to me asking for it! For example, they have given me lists of blogs or vlogs (video blogs) I should get together to share more about the Akashic Records! I have also been given a lot of information about small classes to teach to deepen people’s understanding about what they can do in the Akasha. It seems to be an endless supply of information that comes to me while in my records.
What I am appreciating at this moment is that I have captured all this information in my Akashic Records journals: The deep personal information. The pieces for me as a teacher and guide to assist others. It is all there. I can go back to it anytime to find what I am looking for.
I encourage each of you to find a way that is best for you to capture the wisdom you receive in your records so you can reflect on your growth, return to information that may have slipped through the cracks, or become inspired once again.
Capturing Your Akashic Wisdom
Here are a few suggestions about ways to capture the Akashic Wisdom you receive. You don’t need to do all of them. Each bullet point is a unique idea:
Write it Down
- Have a dedicated Akashic Records Journal
- Jot the information down on a piece of paper with the date and put it in a file folder. No need to keep it in a journal if you don’t want!
- Write the wisdom down in the moment while you are in your records: your questions and the information you receive in response
- Once you close your records, jot down only the most important points
Voice Record your Sessions
- Record your sessions using the voice application on your smartphone, then transfer it to your computer, IPad or other similar device to keep
them on record. - Use a voice recorder to record the whole thing from start to finish as long as you speak all the information out loud to capture it!
- Use your smartphone or voice recorder to remember the highlights of the questions and responses you received.
- Each of these sessions, whether on your smartphone or voice recorder, will be date stamped to allow to you keep them chronologically.
Learn more about the Akashic Records
Holly Hawkins Marwood is an Advanced Akashic Records Instructor and Reader who is passionate about sharing the gifts and benefits of the Akashic Records with the world. She believes that everyone should know how to use this incomparable resource to help them manifest the life of their dreams. You can read more about the classes she teaches and the sessions that she and her husband, Paul Marwood, offer through their business, Soul Genesis. They work internationally and locally and offer sessions at a distance as well as in person.
© 2015 Copyright Holly Hawkins Marwood