A Message from the Akash – Your Dreams and Desires

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In this video Holly Hawkins Marwood channels a message from the Akashic Records.

3 steps to move forward, your desires are possible for you to achieve.
Below is the transcript of the video above.

Your Dreams and Desires

By Holly Hawkins Marwood

A Message from the Akash

“Take your dreams and desires seriously. Not “seriously” as if you need to be serious about them, but feel that they are legitimate, aligned and part of your possible experiences in this life.

The dreams and desires to pay closest attention to are the ones that are always there no matter what you do. If your starting point is that those dreams and desires are there uniquely for you, and you would not have them if they were not achievable, you give yourself a solid foundation to move forward. You shift from confusion about whether your dreams are good for you to a place where you know that you can achieve them.

Often dreams and desires are dismissed because of someone else’s point of view or you have limiting beliefs of “that is not for me, but for someone else”. Perhaps your dreams and desires feel too big, too far off or not aligned with other goals you have in your life.

But there they are!

If you choose to believe that your dreams and desires are there for a good reason, then you can go after them with a clear and focused energy. You act from the place that your desires are possible…and that’s a game changer.

When you do this your energy is aligned due to your lack going back and forth about whether you should or should not pursue your dreams.

Once you are solidly in the place of honoring your inner desires the question that comes up is this: Now how do I move forward?

Here are some steps to move forward from your starting point that your desires are possible for you to achieve since they are your desires:

  1. Vision yourself successfully in the place of your dreams being manifest. Feel it as completely as you can. Live the vision as if it is all in your NOW. What feelings are you experiencing? How do you feel about yourself? How do you feel about your life and your future?
  2. Ask yourself small questions every day such as: What can I do today, or this week, that is a small step taking me in the direction of my dream? You may receive an immediate answer or awareness or it make take a day or two. Just keep asking the questions of yourself and stay open to all the ways that you can receive an answer.
    Remember answers can come in as an intuitive “hit”, a billboard alongside the road, a friend sharing something new with you, an email or a recommendation. Your everyday world can provide the response you are seeking!
  3. Lastly, and very importantly, ACT. It is very important that we put into action our awarenesses, the guidance we receive or the responses we get. You may need to get more information, make an appointment, do something different with your exercise and diet or spend some time relaxing….or a myriad of other actions.
    What makes this important is that these actions will be aligned with the dream you are moving towards.

Lastly, here is another mini nugget that is really helpful in this process: change your languaging. Instead of saying “I’m manifesting……”, replace it with “I’m moving towards….” The truth is that both are great statements, but the 2nd one (“I’m moving towards……”) is grounded and affirmative. Your mind and body hear that you are moving towards that goal and will support you in holding your dream with you. Using the word “moving” demonstrates action, flow and movement towards your goal.

As you put these ideas into action in your life your confidence will grow, you will feel empowered and successful.”

Paul & Holly Marwood

Holly and Paul Marwood are International Akashic Records Instructors and Readers who is passionate about sharing the gifts and benefits of the Akashic Records with the world. They believe that everyone should know how to use this incomparable resource to help them manifest the life of their dreams. You can read more about the classes they teach and the sessions that they offer through their business, Soul Genesis. They work internationally and locally and offer sessions at a distance as well as in person.

© 2021 Copyright Soul Genesis Inc


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